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Adding a Credential to an Existing Wallet

1. Initialize the Passkey Client

import { Turnkey, TurnkeySDKBrowserConfig } from "@turnkey/sdk-browser";
import turnkeyConfig from "./turnkey.json"

const turnkey = new Turnkey(turnkeyConfig);
const passkeyClient = turnkey.passkeyClient();

2. Create a Local Passkey Credential

This will prompt a user natively in their browser to create a passkey.

const credential = await passkeyClient.createUserPasskey({
publicKey: {
user: {
name: <userName>,
displayName: <userDisplayName>

3. Call createAuthenticators to add the credential

const authenticatorsResponse = await passkeyClient.createAuthenticators({
authenticators: [{
authenticatorName: <passkeyName>,
challenge: credential.encodedChallenge,
attestation: credential.attestation
userId: <userId>